Welcome to Kappa Omega!
I am truly humbled to bring you greetings on behalf of the members of the Kappa Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®. We are located in Atlanta, Georgia “the city too busy to hate,” where we have provided award-winning and impactful service to all mankind for 100 years.
Established in 1908, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated is the oldest sorority established by African American women in our nation. Under the leadership of our International President & CEO, Danette Anthony Reed, the 2022-2026 International Program Initiatives are Soaring to Greater Heights of Service & Sisterhood, address six target areas: Strengthening Our Sisterhood, Empowering Our Families, Building Our Economic Wealth, Enhancing Our Environment, Advocating for Social Justice, and Uplifting Our Local Community.
Kappa Omega has a rich legacy of service and leadership. Chartered in 1923 as the first graduate chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated ® in the South, Kappa Omega is the home of our beloved Founder, Marie Antoinette Woolfolk Taylor; 23rd International President, Mary Shy Scott, L.H.D; 13th South Atlantic Regional Director, Dr. Lucretia Payton Stewart; and many additional international, regional, and cluster leaders. I am honored and grateful for the privilege to serve as the 43rd President of The Premier Kappa Omega Chapter. Under my administration, Kappa Omega will continue to build on the pillars set in place by our founders and ten distinguished charter members: leadership development, sisterhood, and service.
Throughout our 100-year history, Kappa Omega has grown into a multi-generational chapter of more than 500 college-educated women who are actively committed to serving the Atlanta community and ALL mankind. We collaborate with community partners to offer programs and services that are impactful and sustainable. Please explore our website for more details and consider serving with us as we Soar to Greater Heights of Service & Sisterhood.
Ms. Bridgette Grant
President, 2023-2024